Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A thought on God

The point of Christmas is not a sentimental optimism about the human condition or even a teaching about the will of God. It is an assertion that God came to our rescue, and holds our hand, and becomes, at the worst moments, our brokenhearted brother. It is preposterous, unless it is true. And then it would be everything.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I should be writing a paper

I came across this article (which was a bit underwhelming since BYU wasn't included in the study)

BYU study shows young adults, parents differ on best age to marry

Best comment:


Kearns, UT
As a parent, I don't think it matters when they get married, even in high school. Finances will always be an issue until they learn to set goals and follow through with a budget. The give and take of chores, raising children, health issues, employment is a challenge no matter when they marry. As a parent, I would rather the girls have babies young while they still have the energy to enjoy the experience. Then they have the time when their children are older to finish college, if they choose, then have a career.

The most disturbing part: 8 likes.

There are at least 9 people who think that getting married in high school just might be a good idea.

*I might be twisting her words

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Life Lately

We have been busy.  I am in school, working and preparing for our baby (not much preparing, the other two take  a lot of time).  B is working and playing a lot of sports (sort of joking).  So I never update.  I don't have time to journal either.  This is really sad, sometime later down the road I am sure I will want to know what was happening during these months and all I will have is the memory of being really busy.

10 more weeks to go.  We are so not ready for this.  And yet, we feel totally calm about that.  Because frankly, I don't think anyone if fully ready.  I mean, you can have all the stuff you need, but I am not convinced anything prepares you to be parents.  And most people make it through.  I am pretty sure the day after Thanksgiving we will be celebrating by buying everything we think we need for a baby that we aren't borrowing from friends.  Baby stuff is expensive, and our apartment is small.  And I am really bad at planning.  I also think we will be really grateful to have amazon prime
(2 day free shipping) and live a block from a grocery store (diapers and wipes in ten minutes).

The past few days I have decided that we are going to have a crazy baby.  A little break dancer who loves to party all night long.  When I lay down, the party starts.  It is really fun to feel and see movement, but I am trying to think of ways we could get the baby to party during the day and sleep during the night.  Somehow I feel this struggle might be an ongoing one. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


It has been so long since I have blogged, blogger has a whole new interface.  Wow. 

I think life is going to get a bit more interesting though and should probably be documented.  We are expanding (well, I am the only one physically expanding). 

I am pregnant!!  A little baby B.  We are so excited.  And nervous.  But really excited.  I told someone that I gt a little nervous about the child and they said "I don't think that goes away.  It's called being a parent."  Oy. 

The baby should make his or her debut around December 21.  We have affectionately been calling the little one String Bean (I'm not sure why, but it seemed fitting for Bryson's offspring- long and lean).  As of now, we aren't finding out the gender until the baby is born.  It just seems so fun to have this big surprise at the end. 

The pregnancy has been really easy.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  I haven't thrown up once.  I was very tired, but now I feel great.  I do notice that running is incredibly hard now and it is more of a walk/run accompanied by some nice hip pain that makes me feel real out of shape. 

Another fun pregnancy side effect: I am more opinionated than ever before.  And I can be laughing and then crying and then laughing again in a matter of seconds.  That has only happened twice, but for a girl who doesn't like to cry, or appear as if I am crazy, it has been a little alarming. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Saturday night, while the men were at Priesthood session, a few girlfriends and I went to get manicures and pedicures. Genius planning by Rachel. I was sitting in the manicure chair and the nice woman sat down looked at me and said “You want eyebrow wax too.” Note the period not question mark at the end of that sentence. When I got home I made Bryson study my eyebrows and we decided the comment was totally unnecessary.


“I dated two crazy girls. It looked like I was the perpetrator, but in a sense, I was the victim.”