Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My favorite things

I love candy. Love it. As in like it more than most people like their dogs. I openly admit it is a huge weakness for me. Husband is a take it or leave it kind of guy. I fully agree with this New York Times article: Is Sugar Toxic? That sugar is causing obesity, heart disease, cancer and a whole slough of other problems (rotted teeth). But I really like it.

Why am I babbling about Candy? Because I haven't eaten it for almost 4 months. B and I gave it up for New Years. It really was after he teased me about liking it so much and I said "Fine, New Years Resolution for both of us: No candy" I forgot that the Easter season is a candy lovers dream. Need evidence?

I think I was really hoping someone would bring him some at work and he would eat it, tell me and then it would be off by now. Not even close. He is solid. Sweets in general aren't tempting to him. And after he read about Steve Nash, a professional basketball player, who doesn't eat sweets and has inspired Shaq to go sugar free too, he was even more set on the dangers of white granulated goodness (or gloppy processed from corn goodness).

For anyone reading this, could you send B a snickers bar to his work address, then I won't eat them and maybe he will? Thank you in advance.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I bought a brush

My hair use to be real short. I loved it. B hopes I never cut it again. It was so short I would weave my fingers through it and it would be done. Now my hair is real long. It has been growing for two years. I still just finger comb it. I finally bought a brush tonight. I am pretty excited about this purchase. I hope it actually reduces frizz Like the packaging says it will (yeah right) when DC turns into a hot swamp this summer.