Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mustaches are coming back

I saw an article today about how mustaches are coming back.


I was picking up tax forms for the office and I saw a lady with a FULL mustache!! Not a few hairs, not shaved... She was old, and couldn't see very well so, maybe, she has no close friends to tell her to shave.

It was a shocker.

An ode to Madison

Not the President, not the river, not the city... the car.

I sold my Subaru this week, which was lovingly named Madison. She was a good car. She carried me where I needed to go, didn't give to too many fits, plowed through snow, and provided a nice overnight shelter on more than one occasion. Unfortunately the move to DC was done without her, so I had to sell her.

Her new owners better treat her well, give her some (much needed) love and not have road rage.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

On the mall...

While walking with friends today on the mall, a thuggish man walked past wearing a long fur coat and matching fur beret. It of course spurred a rather interesting conversation.


1)Pimp is both a noun and a verb

2)Wearing a fur coat and fur hat, and being male, does not necessarily make a person a pimp. Likewise, a pimp does not necessarily wear a fur coat and fur hat.

3)If the man is wearing items in #2 along with gold chains with money symbols, large diamond earings, and/or a platinum grill, the probablility of such man being a pimp are greatly increased.

4)I should start carrying my camera around.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolutions kept, resolutions broken

Last year, determined to make and keep new years resolutions, I wrote them down, put them in my wallet and marched on. The problem is, I can't find the paper. I remember a few goals I set, and a few I accomplished (run a marathon and visit a new and exciting place come to mind). The real question I find myself asking at this time every year, is have I grown at all as a person in the last year? Am I any better? Am I any smarter? Have I picked up any important life lessons?

This year was interesting, before, many of these questions were determined by education in my life. Every year since I was 5, I have been in school for at least part of the year, so the questions were easily answered. Progress was measured by grades completed, classes taken, and subjects learned. This year, growth was definately more personal. These questions I ask are subjective, and what I see as personal growth or moving forward is probably seen to some as a giant fall back. Example: I dropped out of grad school in '06 to become a ski bum in '07.

Well, for the record, yes, to all of the above questions. It wasn't the real job, or the move across the country that did it either. It was the moving forward, accomplishing goals, and having new adventures. Oh, and the people I associated with.

2007 is going to be hard to beat, but somthing tells me, 2008 is going to do it.