Thursday, April 9, 2009


Last fall my co-worker Olivia and I spent a day planting tulips. We waited eagerly all winter to see the results and it was a definite success. Everyday we get to work and go look at our beautiful flowers blooming. I think I have tulip pride. We keep getting compliments on them. The UPS man said "You have the most beautiful yard on Constitution Ave, and Constitution Ave. is a looong street." I heart him. Our next door neighbor said "I saw your yard and it inspired me, so Saturday I did some weeding and planted a few things." Today we were upstairs eating lunch and I looked out the window and saw a lady stop, look, and then... she pulled out her camera and took a few photos of our blooms. We were totally overly excited. Unfortunately these photos don't do it justice. Apparently, there is an inner gardener inside of me just waiting to come out.


Tara Werner said...

They are good pictures. I'm impressed. I've been thinking about you lately, especially since it's been nearly a year since I visited you. I miss you...

I want a full update on your comings and goings the past year!!! Periodic blog updates just aren't filling my Destiny quota!!

Anonymous said...

This is great! My sister and I used to rollerblade on a path near our house. One summer we decided to buy a big old bag of wildflower seeds. We tossed them into the dirt along the path as we rollerbladed by one Saturday morning.

The flowers never grew. A little more attention and care was needed.