Monday, March 22, 2010

Documentary Review

I am sitting on my couch watching Life with my roommates. We recorded it from the Discovery Channel. Reptiles and Amphibians is currently on... In a word: Amazing. Giant bullfrogs, geckos, horned lizards, turtles, frogs. It is incredible to see how different forms of life survive and have adapted to survive. I am really excited for the next installment Sunday night.

Two weeks ago I saw the Oscar winning Documentary The Cove. It was playing at the National Archives. I didn't know much about the acquisition of dolphin's, but after watching the documentary I felt much better informed. The documentary was partially made in a late night covert mission to uncover the murder of hundreds of dolphins a day in a secret cove in Japan. It was very sad to see.

I also have been fortunate enough to watch Planet Earth. Again, it is amazing to see how animals have evolved over time to be able to survive in diverse habitats throughout the world. The camerawork is incredible as is seeing animals in their natural habitat's. I think the segment with the elephant migration is my favorite.


Rachel said...

Haha. Blake and I are watching the reptiles and amphibians portion right now too. HOLY KOMODO (SP?) DRAGON! TERRIFYING!

Jody said...
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Colvins said...

We love those shows, living with a photographer we watch lots of this type of stuff. I can't wait to watch the one next week on the ocean.

Unknown said...

Wonderful!!! I have DVD of The Planet! Love it! I babysat Fred and Ben Philpot and saw it with them. After the movie we made a wonderful habitat for Fred's pet worm! It was great. I even let him have some of my fossils...
Don't worry Destiny..We can do the same activity next time you come home!

Unknown said...

Wonderful!!! I have DVD of The Planet! Love it! I babysat Fred and Ben Philpot and saw it with them. After the movie we made a wonderful habitat for Fred's pet worm! It was great. I even let him have some of my fossils...
Don't worry Destiny..We can do the same activity next time you come home!