Sunday, July 15, 2012


It has been so long since I have blogged, blogger has a whole new interface.  Wow. 

I think life is going to get a bit more interesting though and should probably be documented.  We are expanding (well, I am the only one physically expanding). 

I am pregnant!!  A little baby B.  We are so excited.  And nervous.  But really excited.  I told someone that I gt a little nervous about the child and they said "I don't think that goes away.  It's called being a parent."  Oy. 

The baby should make his or her debut around December 21.  We have affectionately been calling the little one String Bean (I'm not sure why, but it seemed fitting for Bryson's offspring- long and lean).  As of now, we aren't finding out the gender until the baby is born.  It just seems so fun to have this big surprise at the end. 

The pregnancy has been really easy.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  I haven't thrown up once.  I was very tired, but now I feel great.  I do notice that running is incredibly hard now and it is more of a walk/run accompanied by some nice hip pain that makes me feel real out of shape. 

Another fun pregnancy side effect: I am more opinionated than ever before.  And I can be laughing and then crying and then laughing again in a matter of seconds.  That has only happened twice, but for a girl who doesn't like to cry, or appear as if I am crazy, it has been a little alarming. 


Rachel said...

Wowwww! This is so exciting!!!

J.Henke said...

Hehehe I am soooo excited. Your dad spilled the beans last week when I was in Helper eating at Balanced Rock. He was so cute, I asked how you were and he said good, and that you had some news you were waiting to tell. And I was like PREGGERRRZZZ YAYYY SQUEALLL! He seemed caught off guard like I shouldn't have guessed cuz it was oh so not obvious... ;) wishing you the best, much love sista!

Tara Werner said...

Congratulations! So exciting! I'm due in about 2.5 weeks and I'm excited and freaking out at the same time. I'm happy for you and incredibly jealous that you have not had morning sickness. I'm hoping for a better 1st trimester next time.

You'll be such a cute, fun mommy!!

Tara said...

Destiny! I'm so happy for you two! Having a baby is a great experience! It can be exhausting at times, but just enjoy the ride! he/she will be well worth it! Congrats!!