Saturday, January 5, 2008

On the mall...

While walking with friends today on the mall, a thuggish man walked past wearing a long fur coat and matching fur beret. It of course spurred a rather interesting conversation.


1)Pimp is both a noun and a verb

2)Wearing a fur coat and fur hat, and being male, does not necessarily make a person a pimp. Likewise, a pimp does not necessarily wear a fur coat and fur hat.

3)If the man is wearing items in #2 along with gold chains with money symbols, large diamond earings, and/or a platinum grill, the probablility of such man being a pimp are greatly increased.

4)I should start carrying my camera around.


Laura B from the LBC said...

I love this blog. Especially #2.

Derek said...

I don't wear a fur coat or a fur hat, so most people are unsure about my pimphood.