Sunday, June 22, 2008

I love you James!

I have been a huge James Taylor fan since I was a little kid, riding in the back seat watching my parents sing along to his cassette tape. Since high school, when I stole my mom's JT CD, I have wanted to see him in concert. That finally happened Wednesday night. Through Paul's hard work finding tickets (Thanks Paul), Paul,. Tom, Blake and I went to Wolf Trap, an outdoor pavilion to see the show.

Before he came on, we sat on the grass, ate Popeye's chicken, notices that we were the youngest people there, and and saw Elijah Woods and that grey haired guy who won American Idol (or their lesser known twins).

James was at his best with his sultry smooth voice, dry wit and killer moves. He played a few more covers that I would have liked, but he also broke out some of my favorites "How Sweet It Is" "Sweet Baby James" "Country Roads" and "Shower the People." The concert just made me love James even more. Though he sounds better live, and I would love to take carry him around and listen to him sing all day long, I have to settle for the iPod which has been on constant James Taylor repeat all week.


jessaveda said...

You have been challenged to write a 6 word memoir.

Heather Sanders said...

Destiny, can you please just not talk about it? I'm still devestated that I wasn't able to go to the concert. But, I'm happy for you. No, really, I'm happy for you.

Jane said...

Whoa, flashback to 1970...I'm sitting in a concert hall in Cleveland, Ohio, waiting to hear, "The Who," and this quiet guy walks out on stage to open for them. You guessed it - JT himself. I've been a HUGE fan ever since, and yes, he's awesome in person! You lucky girl, you!
Love you!