Monday, June 30, 2008

Decisions, Decisions...

I am indecisive. I am. I can barely decide what to wear in the mornings, which was incredibly difficult when I lived alone. Generally this lack of decision making power comes from the fact that I just don't care. If someone else in the group has an actual opinion, let them decide. I feel good about being able to mold to many situations, be happy with whatever happens. But there comes a time, when one has to make decisions all by themselves.

This is the week.

I decided (haha) that this week, for a whole week I am not asking another person "What should I do?" I will also not be using the phrase "I don't care, whatever." I will go along with plans happily, but I will be manning the ship, I will have a decisive answer for every question asked (unless I actually don't know the answer).

This is a big week to try this experiment. I found a car I am thinking of buying, okay so I cheated when I spoke to the mechanic, but I count that as a lack of knowledge. I also am moving into a new house and will be decorating my room alone. We'll see how it goes...

1 comment:

Tara Werner said...

Is this the car? What is it? Where are you moving?