Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's happening

The past two weeks have been really eventful, though no blogging has happened. Here is a quick recap:

Two Weeks of Debauchery
Like freshman year all over again, except I am not 18 and I like sleep a lot more now. It was fun to pretend though. With Callie leaving we had to pack in a ton of fun into two short weeks; and we did.

MoCo Fair
Davenport won a giant dog which is sitting in my room right now. Carnies, sharing Carmel Apples (not weird) and the world's largest horse, Sampson. He drinks 25 gallons of water a day. And he is Absolutely Alive.

Latin Dancing
Spinning, Dipping, Salsa and Merengue. A new love of mine. These hips don't lie. Part of the reason I have been so sleepy, it's hard to party like a rock star on a work night.

Georgetown Pool
Saturday afternoons are best spent here. And they often are.

NYC in a day
Chinatown Bus. Street Food. Phantom. Times Square. Reebok Miami Vice's. Street Purses. Rockefeller Center. More Street Food. Chinatown Bus Fight. An innocent fib (apparently the bus does stop in Philly).

Labor Day tour of DC
Callie's cousin was in town and I must say we make darn good tour guides. Highlight: the ghetto shoe store. Low light: the Library of Congress was closed for the holiday.

Church Talk/ Proposal
Both in one Sunday. Missionary work is great. And, I should dispel all rumors here and say it was a fake proposal. But in the middle of introductions at church after Sacrament. I was all shades of red.

Callie my roomie is moving back to UT. I am not okay with this. Darn jobs across the nation. Now I get "new roomie." I am sure she is great, but will she wake me up with the Cougar fight song? I sure hope not (no offense Callie).


Tara said...

Next time you are up here in NYC, you are not allowed to leave until you see me!!!

Laura B from the LBC said...

Davenport won you an animal, eh?

Heather Sanders said...

Man, I sure do miss Callie already. Are you surviving? Also, are you falling asleep at work? You've got to stop having fun. Seriously.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

D-Megs--I was thinking the Cougar Fight song can continue . . . as long as you promise to answer your phone when it rings in the early morning hours. :) Awww, I miss you!! And Heather too. And Latin dancing! :)