Monday, January 12, 2009

I feel for you man. I really do.

Today while walking to lunch I saw a man pulling his van to the side of the road. Smoke was pouring from the hood of the van and anti-freeze was pouring from under the car, leaving a green puddle on the cold pavement.

This immediately made me think of car troubles I have had. And there have been many. In high school I drove a 1982 VW Quantum. We called it the Maserati. Yes this car was older than me, and no, it did not perform like its namesake.

Once while driving back from lunch in high school, the clutch pedal broke. Leaving me in a near death situation trying to slow the car down. We somehow coasted into this nice Latino family's driveway and they let us use their phone (this was pre-everyone has a cell phone craze).

The final breakdown was very similar to what I witnessed today. I was driving to school, when at the stoplight before the parking lot, my car filled with smoke and icons lit up the dashboard. I parked the car, went inside and called my dad, and went to class smelling like anti-freeze. At least it has a sweet smell, right?


Tara said...

Oh, the memories in that car!!! I remember the afgan that draped over the back seat and how there was always one-way traffic in the back seat because one door was broken from the inside and the other from the outside! Makes me miss you a whole lot, Dest!

Rindy and Shane said...

Hey Destiny... I need your address and phone number. Getting ready to do announcements.

send it to: or e-mail me on facebook.
