Thursday, January 29, 2009

When DC freezes over

Snow on Tuesday.
The great freeze on Tuesday Night.
I saw this on my way to work Wednesday morning:

Chopsticks frozen to the cement.

Someone (me) needs to buy an ice scraper. I used my credit card (good idea Callie) to chisel ice off my car a few nights ago. I also learned the value of ice melt so clients don't fall and slip on their way to the office. I hope DC defrosts soon.


Anonymous said...

Yes, melt! Melt dastardly ice!

So, top choice is Tufts. I mean, by far. Like, PLEASE UNIVERSE! Let me go to Tufts!! Pleeeease! Then a couple of schools in Hawaii and a couple of fellowship programs overseas. And then the U. I'm sure you can guess pretty much my order of preference. ;) But at this point, after about four months of application madness (and I'm retaking the GRE in two weeks to be more comptetive for Tufts) I'm in the hands of Heaven and willing to go where I need to go. ;)

Where are you thinking about? In DC?

Anonymous said...

Oh, do I get access to your other blog?? ;)