Friday, April 17, 2009

Freegan Lifestyle

I read this article about the freegan lifestyle and it brought me back to my college days. Freegans are "radical environmentalists (typically vegan) who reject our wasteful consumer culture by living almost entirely on what others throw away."

At USU, we were friends with an apartment of guys who weren't freegans, I think they were just cheap. One night we were hanging out and they said they were going to get free chips and goodies at the Hostess bread store in Logan. Apparently this store threw out all of the damaged goods into a dumptster behind the store and our friends would go get free bread, chips and Ding-Dongs (my personal favorite Hostess treat) out of said dumpster. They told us this, and while all of us girls turned up our noses and were a little grossed out at the thought of eating out of a dumpster, we still decided to go along for the ride.

We piled 8 or 9 people in a car (we all had cars of our own, but the more the merrier right?) and set off. We turned down the alley to get to the dumpster and got pulled over by a cop. No we weren't drinking. Yes we knew it was illegal to jam that many people in a car. And, yes we were college students going dumpster diving- which is also illegal. The cop told us to go home. That was the end of my freegan lifestyle.


jessaveda said...

Where was I during all of the dumpster diving shenanigans? :(

Love the new look ;)

I'm really into emoticons these days :)

Laura B from the LBC said...

I was totally there. I remember sitting on Adam's lap in the back seat. (I think this was pre-9D, right?)