Friday, January 29, 2010

Oooh I love running.

Anyone that really knows me may be a little shocked by the title of this post. I generally say I don't like it at all. 2 marathons, a half and a few relay's under my belt and I still could take it or leave it. Before my run. Afterwards though I am all hopped up on endorphins and I think to myself "that was great."

It's been a long week. Taxes, lobbying, Calc II, lack of sleep, life and simple carbs.

But I have been running. And it feels good.

This morning's run was frigid (24 degrees?) but lovely. Jenny is my running partner and she is a peach. She is faster than me, so she pushes me in a "you can do it" sort of way. She is consistent and always at my door at 6:30. On off days, I try to get up, and my body refuses to leave my bed before it is absolutely necessary. Forget morning workouts. But with Jenny there, I just can't let her down. And she lets me talk. I mean, we both talk, but she is a great listener. It is nice to get in some early morning therapy and exercise at the same time.

So today, I love running.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya sister. I hear ya! Oooo, I like your new banner. On my list this month (or next) is a little facelift for my blog. IT sure needs it. Hugs and chocolate chip, gluten-free cookies your way. :)

Tara said...

I've tried to develop that love of running, and I love it after I'm done, but still not enough to get up and actually do it! So I haven't run in a few months. Maybe when it's not 14 degrees (that was today's) out there, I might think about it again!

I miss you!!!