Monday, September 13, 2010

upcoming marriage= busy busy girl (and boy)

There is a lot to do. I have no idea how people put on their own weddings. I have hired people to do the busy stuff and I still feel like I am running around frantically trying to check off boxes on an unending to-do list.

When I started looking at bridal magazines I noticed a rather large number of checklists. With a large number if items on each of them. I think I have made more decisions in the last month and a half than I have in my adult life. I tend to shy away from decisions.

We found an apartment yesterday. The wedding is planned (it will be lovely, fingers crossed). Bryson and I are totally solid (he is a gem, I have been a crazy person).

I now am going to spend the next 6 weeks until we get married (!!!) figuring out how to go from Ms. to Mrs..


Rachel said...

I recommend using this service for name changes:

It makes everything so much easier.

Cummings said...

Destiny- huge congrats!!!!! I'm so very excited for you! Good luck with all! ~Kaylyn