Thursday, October 23, 2008

Do you like Pina Colada Toothpaste?

I went to the dentist today. I walked in and CNN was on the TV. The Hygenist/ Assistant (I'm not sure which) started into a rant about politics. Here was our conversation:

Her "I can't wait for Obama to get elected. I pay too many taxes as it is. Since 2000 my taxes keep going up. And this coutry just keeps getting worse. Oh, and that Palin. I can't believe that "failin Palin." Oh, dear. And she drags her kids all over the country with her. They should be in school."

Me "Well, I am sure the have tutors and what about Obama's Daughters, aren't they on the campaign trail too?"

Her "I know that they are in school right where they are supposed to be. Michelle is with them all the time when he is away."

Me "But she campaigns too.... And I am sure they have nannies."

Her "No, they were only on the campaign trail during the convention and that was at night so they went to school that day. They are in school every day. I know they are. But Palin's kids aren't even in school. And she leaves them in the hotel room alone."

Me "Aren't her daughters 15 and 17? They are old enough to babysit."

She kept ranting and though I wanted to say more I had an epiphany: Sitting in a dentist chair is no place to debate politics with someone who has acess to your mouth and drills. I kept quiet.

Maybe my remarks about her boy Obama are he reason they cleaned my teeth with Pina Colada toothpaste. Yuck.


Rindy and Shane said...

I'm glad you found me! How are you? I hear you are in DC now or there about. I'll be sure to post pics. The wedding is in April next year so it'll be awhile.

I agree... it's best to just shut up and still still when arguing with political dental hygenists!

Anonymous said...

Totally a tangent to what you're talking about, but I have to say, I hate all fruit flavored toothpaste. Last Christmas, my mom got me an extra large tube of this orange splash toothpaste. Tasted like I was brushing my teeth with candy.

JH said...

Pina colada toothpaste, yuk! I do like getting caught in the rain, however...

Great post, is there any relief - making bad guy generalizations seems kinda... weak. My Grandmother adamantly believes Obama to be the Anti-Christ - tells everyone she meets. Meh. :)

Laura B from the LBC said...

Ummm....I know I am an elitist when it comes to talking politics with people who THINK they know what they are talking about but they don't (Does this lady realize that her taxes are only going to go UP when Obama gets elected? (I mean "if").....)

Tara Werner said...

What a retard...

What else can I say?