Friday, October 3, 2008

One Year. No party?

I have now been a working girl for one WHOLE year. Actually the year rang in on the 1st, but I was too busy faxing, emailing and balancing to write a blog about this momentous occasion. One Year! Whoa! This is the longest I have ever been at one consecutive job, and the longest I have lived in one place since high school.

And don't tell my boss, but I'm getting the itch. I generally live with one foot planted in place and the other stepping off to some unknown. I'm trying, really hard, to happily stay put. I like my job. But maybe there is something else, like studying eastern medicine under a Buddhist monk in Tibet, that would really captivate me.

I will be grounded here for a while. I have no plans to leave, and this feels good for now. This job has been a blessing, I have learned a lot, met amazing people and grown. I have gotten to study issues I love and have learned to love some issues. It has been a wonderful year.


Tara Werner said...

I know how you feel, I've never held a job, consecutively, for more than 9 months. I get antsy, need to travel, need a change. This whole school thing has been a little hard on me.

I, for one, would LOVE to have you move back west (you'd LOVE Western Montana- fly-fishing, outdoor adventures galore [you could even find a decent 'real' job] THINK ABOUT IT).

But I know what you mean about learning, growing, and meeting amazing people. Life really is grand, isn't it!!!!! Did you get my email about the beau, etc? I sent it to hotmail but I'm not sure if that is your main email anymore... gmail perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Congrats Destiny. You've achieved what many of us can't even imagine for our lives. I spoke with a career counselor the other day at my school, and as she was explaining some job stuff, she mentioned that I should plan on being in my first legal job for four to five years. FOUR TO FIVE YEARS! The last thing that I've done that took five years was elementary school.

How can this even be.