Monday, January 5, 2009

9 for '09

Here they are. I am posting these here, because frankly I need some accountability. Last year I made a sorry attempt at completing my short list, I think I barely etched by on one goal. So here goes:

1 Learn a new language. I took a french class last year, I will continue the study this year.

2 Save money. I am thinking of a number... by the end of the year I want it to equal my savings account balance.

3 Bike a century. 100 miles. This will probably take me three days straight, but so be it.

4 Read a certain book every day.

5 Travel somewhere new and exciting

6 Volunteer.

7 Make my bed every day. For anyone who has lived with me, yes I do know how to do this.

8 Read 50 books. I read that G.W. Bush read 40 last year, I assume he has a tighter schedule than I do, so I'll add a few more.

9 Be able to point out where 90% of the countries in the world are on a map and be able to state each of their capitols. I am terrible at geography, and I think this will help me improve.


Anonymous said...

Great goals! I especially like the geography one. I should incorporate that into my list for the year.

Oh, and I read that making your bed each day actually helps you sleep better during the night. Has something to do with how getting into a bed that is made has a comforting effect on the mind and body.

Anonymous said...

Nice list chica! I may borrow the 50 books goal if you don't mind. I did not make time to read/write enough last year and I'm making sure that doesn't happen again... ;)