Friday, February 29, 2008

The D 10... what's on my mind this week

1) Facebook: 14/15 Paul signing me up, 1/15 caving to peer pressure by logging on and posting a comment on a wall. I have been told this is somehow different than Myspace, we'll see about that.

2) Prince Harry in Afghanistan: You are my favorite royal. You aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, and clean up so nicely.

3)The man who hands me Express papers outside of the metro in the morning: Thanks man, you supply me with free entertainment during my commute. News in the morning, Sudoku in the Evening.

4) My favorite protester: Outside union station every day, crazy signs about bombing Kissinger and not a fan of Hil, but ever since you stood up for me, when that lame taxi driver honked, you have won the best protester in DC award.

5) Nada Surf: 4/15, it's gonna be good

6) The Idiotarod: I am sure pics will follow, still need a team name... Thought about stealing our butt rock band name from college: Free Swimming Medusa.

7) Appropriations forms. All I can say is UNIVERSAL FORM! This is only one of the reasons it takes forever to get anything done around here. The paper trail is ridiculous.

8) What Should I do with my life? Great book. No, but seriously, got any ideas?

9) Service. Yes, this is an answer to question 8, I keep trying to find ways to serve, in some organization. And, I can't get the lyics to "Because I Have Been Given Much" out of my head. Goal of the week: Find something and get on it.

10) Freedom Writers, what a great movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It left me with feelings of 1) I am so blessed in life and 2) I should be helping others (see #9).

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thank you, whoever you are!!

This is a huge thank you for whoever found my credit card and called it in missing, without first using it to buy themselves anything. You found it before I knew I didn't have it. If I knew who you were, I would take you out for a giant ice cream sundae as a token of my appreciation. Unfortunately I don't know you, because I think I would like you.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

$10 I won't get back

I went to see a movie last night with friends, Vantage Point. Interesting cinematography, interesting plot, for a while. It went downhill fast. I think Denis Quaid, Matthew Fox (yes he is), and Forrest Whittaker can act, but don't be decieved if you are in the same boat. My thetre started laughing in the middle and at the end of the movie, it is supposed to be a drama. If you are dying to see this, get a large group of friends together, chip in and go to the Red Box at your nearest Smiths, McDonalds or Giant and rent it when it come out on DVD. That way you will only be out 10 cents (and 2 hours).

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I heart Mexico

I just got home from my cruise to Mexico, oh the sun was great, especially since it snowed today here in DC. A few trip highlights:

  • I was in a dance off during a contest on the ship. I busted out such moves as the running man, the carlton and the mashed potato. I would have won (yet had no dignity) if I had resulted to pole dancing. Even if the guests weren't there to see it in person, it was videotaped and shown over and over on the cruise tv's throughout the ship. People kept coming up to me and saying "I saw you on tv, great dancing."
  • Kobe and Gabrielle our 11 and 8 year old Mexican tour guides.
  • Allan, our waiter at dinner. He sang, he did the conga, he danced, he did magic tricks, he had razor sharp wit... and he brought us endless amounts of food.
  • Endless amounts of food. 24 hour Ice cream bar. Enough said.
  • My family. Talk about a good time. I wondered where I got my dance moves from, now I know. My dad, my aunt and uncle, and my cousins can cut a rug. Beaner (BYOM) and Donkey were nonstop fun. I couldn't stop laughing.
  • Searching for a pinata at the markato which was just down the street. Then finding the Parrott pinata and making Melissa carry it around with us all day. I wondered why people kept staring. Then, the pinata got stuck in the x-ray machine on the way back. You had to be there, but it was hilarious.
  • I had the opportunity to take a picture with a wild monkey.
  • Mexico in general is a great place. It was all I had imagined. Chaotic, random and strange at times. I really would love to move there for a while.

Maybe my next job will be selling stuff on the street corner in Mexico, I'll have to learn Spanish, and invest in a monkey.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Best news of the week...

Paula Abdul (the singer of my first casette tape) is coming out with a new album. One can only hope it has such winners as "Straight up" and "Cold Hearted." I can't wait. Who want's to sleep outside the record store with me to be the first to get it?

Friday, February 1, 2008


I read my MSN horiscope this morning and this is what it said:

Some beautiful dreams or visions, perhaps involving angels, spirit guides, or other high beings, could come your way today, dear Gemini. Listen carefully to the messages these beings are bringing. Whether they involve matters in your material life, intellectual or spiritual concerns, or events in the future, they can shed light on a lot of facts about yourself of which you might not be aware. Write them down as soon as you can. You'll be glad you did.

If I have a vision, I will not be forgetting it.
I have been waiting for this to happen for a while now!! I am totally ready to be told what to do with the rest of my life... I wish it would just hurry and happen...