1) Facebook: 14/15 Paul signing me up, 1/15 caving to peer pressure by logging on and posting a comment on a wall. I have been told this is somehow different than Myspace, we'll see about that.
2) Prince Harry in Afghanistan: You are my favorite royal. You aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, and clean up so nicely.
3)The man who hands me Express papers outside of the metro in the morning: Thanks man, you supply me with free entertainment during my commute. News in the morning, Sudoku in the Evening.
4) My favorite protester: Outside union station every day, crazy signs about bombing Kissinger and not a fan of Hil, but ever since you stood up for me, when that lame taxi driver honked, you have won the best protester in DC award.
5) Nada Surf: 4/15, it's gonna be good
6) The Idiotarod: I am sure pics will follow, still need a team name... Thought about stealing our butt rock band name from college: Free Swimming Medusa.
7) Appropriations forms. All I can say is UNIVERSAL FORM! This is only one of the reasons it takes forever to get anything done around here. The paper trail is ridiculous.
8) What Should I do with my life? Great book. No, but seriously, got any ideas?
9) Service. Yes, this is an answer to question 8, I keep trying to find ways to serve, in some organization. And, I can't get the lyics to "Because I Have Been Given Much" out of my head. Goal of the week: Find something and get on it.
10) Freedom Writers, what a great movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It left me with feelings of 1) I am so blessed in life and 2) I should be helping others (see #9).
Great blog. These guys are my favorite protesters:
1) add me as a friend.
6) what's an idiotarod? you need mine and laura's permission to use Free Swimming Medusa.
8) move home to utah
9) 3/14/08=perfect opportunity to serve.
10) welcome to my life
I don't get it, what's with the fractions?
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