Friday, April 25, 2008

K2, anyone?

I went to the greatest presentation last night by this guy who is a serious mountaineer and summited K2 last summer. He told an awesome story of the trek and the teamwork that went into making the journey. His team made a movie which aired on NBC. His trek involves three friends who teamed together and ended up helping lead many to the summit (the largest group of people to reach to top in one year). It also conveyed the dangers of that mountain, with two deaths, hypothermia, altitude sickness and some genuine dirt bags on the trail (someone stole a sleeping bag and a pair of crampons at their advanced base camp). Overall though, he conveyed the three things important in the trip, Safety, Summit and Style. His team definitely displayed all three throughout the trip.

He also told the story of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. They were the first two to summit Mt. Everest. They went together, and they made a pact that they wouldn't tell anyone who got to the top first. When Tenzing Norgay died, he wrote in his will it was Hillary who reached the top first. I loved this story both for the character that it showed, and the perseverance of reaching that goal.

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