Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I couldn't pull away from the election news last night. I just kept watching. My gut told me what would happen, that Obama would win, but I still just couldn't stop watching. I think I should have gone to an election party, which I heard were great fun, but I sat in my house and watched Obama capture PA, OH and NM. After OH, it was done, two of the battleground states were taken and it was known that a McCain upset would be nothing short of a miracle. Later on, when the votes were tallied America was informed that Senator Barack Obama would be our next President.

I am ecstatic to see a different "type" of President. I love that we will have an African-American President. I love that he came from a non-ideal situation and used perseverance and hard work to rise above his situation. He is an example of the American dream. This election means so much for minorities in our country. This is what Martin Luther King Jr., aides to the underground railroad, Rosa Parks, Bobby Kennedy, and many others stood up for.

I am so happy to live in this country at this time.

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