Friday, November 7, 2008

Proposition 8

I have a friend here who is very adament about gay rights. I agree that there are inherent rights given to individuals in this country. I think that individuals should not be discriminated against due to their lifestyle. I also believe that Church's have the right to stand up for what they believe. We have had the discussion many times on the Church's position on Homosexuality, Proposition 8 and equality for all. This discussion is a difficult one, not ever wanting to offend, but also knowing that I have my own beliefs on the matter. I found this article on the Church's website, an interview with the Public Affairs board, Elder Oaks and Elder Wickman. I found it to be a great discussion on such topics.


Laura B from the LBC said...

I agree with you Dest.....I think that those who oppose Prop 8 (saying we are hateful bigots) should respect our decision too. PLUS, the voice of the people spoke! PROP 8 passed! So they need to understand that they cannot strong arm the Supreme Court whenever they feel like it.....oy

JH said...

Dest, I'm really glad you posted on this. I've been thinking about doing the same for hours, and just read the Oakes and Wickman interview for some perspective.