Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A few miles down, many more to go...

Last Sunday I rolled out of bed at 5:00 am, jetted down to the Potomac, and ran the Potomac River 1/2 Marathon. It was the ideal day to run, not humid, not a cloud in the sky, and a great course. It was a really small race, but there were still some great spectators, including a few people from my running group (thanks again you guys and I can never get too much Cowbell)! I felt good, and while my time (2:20) was a little slower than I had hoped, I was happy to have finished and still could walk afterwards, which was quite different than the whole marathon...

In a fit of stupidity though, during a g-chat conversation a friend told me to sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon, and I did it. Game on: October 28. There goes my summer plans of lounging by a pool all day Saturday sipping lemonade; now weekends will consist of long runs and Advil. On the plus side, when I collapse by the pool after my runs, my legs will be toned. And, I think it will help that a few friends are also running the MCM, we can all collapse together.


Tara Werner said...
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Laura B from the LBC said...

Seriously. Can I just be YOU for a day. Just one day. To see what it was like.....

Destiny said...

You will be a slow runner with sore ankles. I would rather be you, living in a mansion, working for the head of the government...