Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Day.

Today I voted. It was my first time voting at the booth. Usually I have to vote absentee but today I got to go to the booth and make my choices. I stood in line for an hour and proudly out on the "I voted" sticker.

I was UNDECIDED until I got to the booth. This is not because I was uninformed, or had not tried to make a choice. I was leaning one way, but I just kept bouncing back and forth. The more I would read about one candidate the more my decision would sway. But, I didn't feel right about just focusing on one. I had to make an informed decision. Obama, McCain or Nader? I read up on all three and felt a mild instinct to write in Romney. I still find it ironic he lost the ticket considering the financial crisis we are in, and that McCain and Bush called him for advice about what to do. I digress. I did make a decision, I went with the candidate I was leaning towards and I feel good about it. Now we'll see if he wins...


Anonymous said...

I'm so bummed that I don't get an "I Voted" sticker. I vote absentee. I'd be all about higher taxes if they'd spend it on sending stickers to all us absentee-ers.

Laura B from the LBC said...

I was tempted to write-in Romney too!